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Concept of Snehana in Ayurveda by Dr. L. Mahadevan, BAMS, MD., Topic: Ayurveda
Published: Sunday 27 December, 2009
Astrology and Presence of water on the Moon by Kailasnath Krishnan Topic: Jyotish
A recent moon expedition to explore the possibility of the water traces revealed a wonderful result that the moon has water in her domain. This is indeed a great achievement for the scientific community as well as the total man kind.
Published: Wednesday 28 October, 2009
Removing Misconceptions of Manglik Dosh (fault) Topic: Jyotish
Published: Thursday 06 August, 2009
7 simple steps – A simple solution to India’s diabet by Vedic Society Topic: Ayurveda
There’s a rising trend of Diabetes in India that is taking the country completely by storm. As I travel around the country almost everyone I meet in the 40+ age group or someone they know, a relative or close friend has some form of Diabetes.
Published: Friday 26 June, 2009
Dangers of Genetically Engineered Foods by Jeffrey M. Smith Topic: Diet
The following presents some of the dangers of genetically engineered foods and reasons why avoiding them is an important step to safeguard our health. The footnotes refer to page references in the book Seeds of Deception; there you can find meticulously documented evidence that leaves no doubt that ...
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
What is Vedic Astrology? by Satrajit Majumdar Topic: Vedic Jyotish
Vedic Astrology is the study of positions of heavenly bodies like Sun, Moon, Mars etc. with respect to the zodiac and the interpretation of the effect of such heavenly bodies on the events in earth in the life of an individual or a country or the whole world. It is called Vedic Astrology, because th...
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
AGNIHOTRA - An Ancient Solution for Agriculture of the 21st Cent by Cle Latouf Topic: Vedic Agnihotra
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
Yoga and How to Get Started by Stephen Knapp Topic: Yoga
The purpose of any true spiritual path is to raise our consciousness to the point of allowing us to directly perceive the spiritual dimension. Being spiritual means to recognize one’s spiritual identity and practically see the transcendental essence of all others.
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
Yoga and Ecology by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Yoga
Both Yoga and Ayurveda are all about working with the forces of nature, which are not just as material energies but powers of consciousness. This work with nature occurs at both internal and external levels. Internally, we need to balance the forces of our own nature as body, mind, breath and spirit...
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
Yoga and Buddhism: Similarities and Differences by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Yoga
Yoga and Buddhism are sister traditions which evolved in the same spiritual culture of ancient India. They use many of the same terms and follow many of the same principles and practices. For this reason it is not surprising that many of us born in the West, particularly after an initial exposure, a...
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
Vedic Yoga, the Oldest Form of Yoga by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Yoga
Yoga is a comprehensive set of spiritual practices designed to enable us to realize the greater universe of consciousness that is our true nature. The term Yoga means to unite, coordinate, harmonize, work, or transform. It refers to the linking all aspects of our being, from the physical body to our...
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
Vedic Yoga and the Three Gunas by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Yoga
Any student of classical Yoga is well aware of the importance of the three gunas in yogic thought and practice. Few, however, are aware of their Vedic background and the deeper understanding that a Vedic perspective brings to them.
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
The Shiva Linga and its Meaning by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Yoga
The sexual symbolism of Tantra, like the subject of sexuality in general, has always engaged the human mind. The modern mind seems to be obsessed with it as well. Many people into Tantra, as well as most of the scholars who write on it, seem unable to move beyond the physical suggestions of these sy...
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
The Purusha Principle of Yoga by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Yoga
One could say that the essence of our humanity is that we are ‘sentient’ beings, conscious entities possessed of feelings and capable of suffering. We cannot accept that human beings are enslaved, experimented on, used for food, killed or tortured or any other such demeaning actions that...
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
The Fire of the Goddess by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Yoga
I first discovered the Goddess as the muse that arose as part of my youthful poetic inspirations before I had even heard of the path of Yoga or studied any eastern spiritual traditions. The muse is the intimation of beauty and mystery who guides us along our path beyond the world of necessity to the...
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
The Ayurvedic Effects of Asana Practice by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Yoga
According to the philosophy of Yoga, the physical body is a manifestation of consciousness. It is a crystallization of karmic (behavioral) patterns created by the mind. The key to working with the body, therefore, is to understand the consciousness behind it, much of which lies outside our ordinary ...
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
Tantra and its Misconceptions: Reclaiming the Essence from the I by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Yoga
Perhaps nothing is more exotic, dramatic and sensational in India’s Yoga traditions than is the practice of Tantra. No other approach to Yoga has gained such a fascination for the modern mind and its seeking of the bizarre, the entertaining and the enigmatic.
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
Pratyahara: the Forgotten Limb of Yoga by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Yoga
The term pratyahara is composed of two Sanskrit words, prati and ahara. Ahara means "food," or "anything we take into ourselves from the outside." Prati is a preposition meaning "against" or "away." Pratyahara means literally "control of ahara," or "gaining mastery over external influences." It is c...
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
Marma Points and the Practice of Yoga by David Crow Topic: Yoga
The main aspect of Yoga practice that actively considers the use of marmas is the practice of Pratyahara, which is the fifth branch of Yoga. Pratyahara mediates between the outer factors of Yoga, which include Asana and Pranayama, and the inner factors of Yoga, which mainly consist of meditation. Pr...
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
Hatha Yoga Pranayams Topic: Yoga
Channeling of one's mind and thoughts is one of the most important benefits of Pranayam. We know that thoughts are never steady and they travel faster than light. Pranayam is an easy method to control one's mind. Daily practice of pranayam awakens one's kundalini as well as chakras, and the pract...
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
Zoroastrianism by Understanding Hinduism Topic: World Religions
These are the tenets of the Mazdayasni Zarathushtri religion, as accepted and preached by all the Dasturjees and religious teachers and common Zarathushtris in India.
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
Zen in Brief by Understanding Hinduism Topic: World Religions
As time went on Buddhism split into two main groups – Theravada and Mahayana. Within the Mahayana tradition there are five main schools, of which Zen is the intuitive school. Zen is the Japanese counterpart of the Chinese word Ch’an which, in turn, is a translation of the Sanskrit word D...
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
Why are there so many Religions? by Understanding Hinduism Topic: World Religions
Different religions are differing forces in the economy of God; all working for the good of mankind; as we cannot destroy any force in nature, so we cannot destroy any of these spiritual forces.
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
Where do religions agree and disagree? by Understanding Hinduism Topic: World Religions
In so far as religions belong to the realm of men’s inmost soul, there are many remarkable similarities between them. The inner experience is the same everywhere; only the outer expressions are different, as determined by time and place. The end and aim of all religions is the realization of G...
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
What is the universal religion? by Understanding Hinduism Topic: World Religions
Attempts have been made in the past to create a universal religion. This desire in one form or other still persists, though history shows that a universal religion can neither be created nor imposed upon others in this way.
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
Taoism in Brief by Understanding Hinduism Topic: World Religions
Tao means literally ‘path’ or ‘way’. There are three senses in which this ‘way’ can be understood:
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
Sikkhism in Brief by Understanding Hinduism Topic: World Religions
Guru Nanak gave to Sikkhism its basic theological concepts and three of its most important institutions i.e. the Sangat (congregational meetings), the Pangat (community kitchens - Langar), and the institution of Guruship. To him true spiritual life meant the performance of duties in the world, and f...
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
Judaism in Brief by Understanding Hinduism Topic: World Religions
The one great theme of the Jewish religion is that a single, righteous God is at work in the social and natural order, and He has revealed His will in history. There are many different forms of Judaism. Some conservative, some intellectual, others mystical etc.
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
Jainism in Brief by Understanding Hinduism Topic: World Religions
The first founder of the sect was Parsvanatha. Its first active propagator was Mahavira. The Jains are found in great numbers especially in the western coast of India. They are divided into two principal sects- the Svetambaras (clothed in white garments) and the Digambaras (sky-clad or naked).
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
Islam in Brief by Understanding Hinduism Topic: World Religions
The full connotation of the word ‘Islam’ is ‘the perfect peace that comes when one’s life is surrendered to God’. After Muhammad’s time, Muslim authorities subsumed most of Islam under three heads:
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
Hinduism in Brief by Understanding Hinduism Topic: World Religions
For Hindus the attainment of spiritual perfection and freedom is the aim of life and the purpose of human birth. There are basic human values that are regarded as preliminary in this quest. The Hindu scriptures give several lists of virtues, which stem from the five cardinal virtues of:
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
Confucianism in Brief by Understanding Hinduism Topic: World Religions
The three religions that have influenced Chinese culture are Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. Confucianism is basically an ethical religion geared for social and political life. Religion in ancient China took the basic form of ancestor worship. Confucius did not interrupt these ancestral rites but...
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
Christianity in Brief by Understanding Hinduism Topic: World Religions
Of all the religions of man Christianity is the most widespread and has the largest number of followers. It has also the greatest amount of diversities. The main divisions are Roman Catholicism, Protestantism and the Eastern Orthodoxy. The Christian faith is centred in the life and teachings of Jesu...
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
Buddhism in Brief by Understanding Hinduism Topic: World Religions
Although an independent and major religion of the world today, Buddhism began as a reform movement within Hinduism. The Four Noble Truths expounded by the Buddha in his first sermon at the Deer Park at Sarnath constitute the core of his teachings.
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
An essay on Inter-religious Attitude by Understanding Hinduism Topic: World Religions
One cannot distinguish a Hindu from a Moslem, or a Christian from a Jew, when they are absorbed in the infinite spirit. One sees differences only on a lower level, but from the summit all distinctions disappear.
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
Shastric references to water and its healing effects, properties by Vedic Society Topic: Water
Water is an essential element existing throughout the universe and in great amounts in our bodies, our brains, our hearts, our food, our environment, our atmosphere and all life as we know it on earth.
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
Running low on H2O by Biophile Topic: Water
Of all the water on this planet, 97.5% is in the oceans, two percent is frozen, three quarters of a percent is in the ground as groundwater, and a mere quarter of a percent makes up our surface water. The rest is in clouds and living organisms. So there is not much water available for us to live on....
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
More messages from water by Biophile Topic: Water
Reiko Myamoto Dewey interviews Dr. Masaru Emoto, author of Messages From Water.
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
How to save water by Biophile Topic: Water
It is surprisingly easy (and cost-effective) for households to reduce water consumption by between 30% and 60%.
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
A Thirst for Control by Biophile Topic: Water
There once was a time when water fell freely from the clouds in the sky and bubbled from the springs in the hills… when the rivers, streams and lakes were full to the brim… when ancient underground aquifers flowed like great veins beneath the continents… when water nurtured our peo...
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
WHY BE A VEGAN/ VEGETARIAN?: by Stephen Knapp Topic: Vegetarianism
The several reasons to seriously consider becoming a Vegan/Vegetarian
Published: Thursday 28 May, 2009
Vegetarianism: Supported in the Bible by Stephen Knapp Topic: Vegetarianism
The Bible has many quotations against meat-eating as can be seen from the following:
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Vegetarianism: Recommended in Vedic Scripture by Stephen Knapp Topic: Vegetarianism
Many times there seems to be some confusion or lack of clarity on whether the Vedic path condones or condemns the eating of meat. Often times I hear Indians and followers of the Vedic path explain that meat eating is all right, that the Vedic shastras do not condemn it. Of course, in this day and ag...
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Vegetarianism: Quotes From Noteworthy People by Stephen Knapp Topic: Vegetarianism
A selection of Quotes From Noteworthy People about vegetarianism
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
The Peace of a Meatless Diet by Biophile Topic: Vegetarianism
I wonder how many people would still eat flesh if they had visited an abattoir or a battery chicken farm or even a fish farm? I think most would cringe with disgust and horror at the cruelty that these animals have to endure.
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
The healing power of raw food by Biophile Topic: Vegetarianism
Our lives turned upside down one morning in 1987 when our 12-year-old daughter, Emily, displayed flu symptoms. But this was a flu that didn’t go away. After a month a doctor decided she probably had ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) and should rest as much as possible.
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
So, you want to go vegetarian? by Biophile Topic: Vegetarianism
I’ve recently heard lots of people telling me how they’d like to try being a vegetarian but either they don’t know where to start or they jumped straight in with admirable enthusiasm but then quickly gave up. I’ve since decided to put together a few tips I’ve learnt al...
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Ingredients and Chemicals that May Contain Meat Products by Stephen Knapp Topic: Vegetarianism
This is to provide further insight into the many simple and common ingredients that may still contain meat products in them without being aware of it.
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Do Vegetarians Get Enough Protein? by Stephen Knapp Topic: Vegetarianism
Answering this age old question.
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Cosmic Cow by Cheruki / Veno Topic: Vegetarianism
The cow is a mother to mankind whom we should love,respect and protect. Her milk is the life blood for many species, including humans. Her dung provides fuel and bricks for millions of rural families across Asia . Her urine is medicine for the sick. When she dies her skin provides us warmth and prot...
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Chew on this: reasons to go vegetarian by Biophile Topic: Vegetarianism
Ethically, morally, for your health… there are many reasons to stop eating meat.
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Animals eat each other, so why shouldn't we eat them? by Biophile Topic: Vegetarianism
Even if this were a sound argument, it would not justify rearing animals in inhumane conditions, and it would only justify hunting wild animals.
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Vastu Shastra: An Introduction To The Science of Building a Hous by Stephen Knapp Topic: Vedic Vaastu
Every creature in this world tries to arrange for a place in which to live comfortably, enjoying all the luxuries and happiness of this world getting maximum benefits of heavenly boons. Most every one is aspiring for having sound health, beautiful wife, healthy children, wealth, means of earning thr...
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Vaastu Technology: Creating Built Space Using Life by Dr. Jessie Mercay Topic: Vedic Vaastu
The main goal of the ancient Vaastu architects and sculptors was to emulate through concrete expression the laws of the universe. Their structures expressed the truth of cosmic order and form, celebrated our connection with all life, and created harmony and spiritual bliss in the inmate. The ancient...
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Sthapatya Veda - Design That Heals by Vedic Society Topic: Vedic Vaastu
Vaastu Shastra is one of the missing links for creating harmonious life on earth as we know it today. It is the ancient Vedic science of space and form and how to create consciously a space that creates harmony within and without. When we look around at modern cities and houses, we see that although...
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
An Introduction to Vedic Architecture Topic: Vedic Vaastu
An Introduction to Vedic Architecture
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Wickedness by The Mahabharata Topic: Vedic Teachings
What are the indications, O best of regenerate ones, of a wicked person? Questioned by me, tell me how I am to know who is wicked?
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
What is that one act a person may acquire great celebrity? by The Mahabharata Topic: Vedic Teachings
What is that one act, by accomplishing which with care, a person may become the object of regard with all creatures and acquire great celebrity?
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Thought, Speech and Deed by The Mahabharata Topic: Vedic Teachings
Living creatures, by being attached to objects of the senses, which are always fraught with evil, become helpless. Those high-souled persons, however, who are not attached to them, attain to the highest end. The man of intelligence, beholding the world over-whelmed with the evils constituted by birt...
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
These vices are regarded as very powerful foes of all creatures by The Mahabharata Topic: Vedic Teachings
Tell me, O thou of great wisdom, everything about that from which spring wrath and lust, and fear and loss of judgment, and inclination to do (evil to others), and jealousy and malice and pride and envy, and slander and incapacity to bear the good of others, and unkindness and covetousness.
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
The Wheel of Life by The Mahabharata Topic: Vedic Teachings
The wheel of life moves on. It has the understanding for its strength; the mind for the pole (on which it rests); the group of senses for its bonds, the five great elements for its nave, and home for its circumference.
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
The practice of self-restraint by The Mahabharata Topic: Vedic Teachings
The man of self-restraint beholds his innumerable foes (in the form of lust, desire and wrath, etc.), as if these dwell in a separate body. Like tigers and other carnivorous beasts, persons destitute of self-restraint always inspire all creatures with dread. For controlling these men, the Self-born ...
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
The Mantric Approach of the Vedas by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Vedic Teachings
The Vedas are mantric teachings. They consist of various mantric chants or hymns cognized by different seers or Rishis from the Cosmic Mind. They set forth Dharma or natural law, which is mantra in manifestation. As such the Vedas are impersonal and eternal, just as cosmic law cannot vary. This same...
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
The Dirt of Humanity by The Mahabharata Topic: Vedic Teachings
Hold your tongue, O you that were born in a sinful country. Hear from me, O Salya, the sayings, already passed into proverbs, that men, young and old, and women, and persons arrived in course of their listless wanderings, generally utter, as if those sayings formed part of their studies, about the w...
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Self-restraint by The Mahabharata Topic: Vedic Teachings
O grandsire, O thou of virtuous soul, what, indeed, is said to be productive of great merit for a person attentively engaged in the study of the Vedas and desirous of acquiring virtue?
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Self-Realisation Topic: Vedic Teachings
What is the cause of this universe? Is it Brahman (the Supreme Reality)? Whence do we come? Why do we live? Where shall we at last find rest? Under whose command are we bound by the law of happiness and its opposite?
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Righteousness (Part 5) by The Mahabharata Topic: Vedic Teachings
This course of duty that you, O holder of scales, preaches, closes the door of heaven against all creatures and puts a stop to the very means of their subsistence. From agriculture comes food. That food offers subsistence even to you. With the aid of animals and of crops and herbs, human beings, O t...
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Righteousness (Part 4) by The Mahabharata Topic: Vedic Teachings
Thus addressed by the intelligent Tuladhara on that occasion, Jalali of great intelligence, that foremost of ascetics, said these words unto him.’
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Righteousness (Part 3) by The Mahabharata Topic: Vedic Teachings
There was once a Brahmana of the name of Jalali who lived in a certain forest, practising the ways of a forest recluse. Of austere penances, he proceeded on a certain occasion towards the sea-shore, and having arrived there began to practise the most severe penances.
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Righteousness (Part 2) by The Mahabharata Topic: Vedic Teachings
Thou sayest that righteousness or duty depends upon delicate considerations, that is indicated by the conduct of those that are called good, that it is fraught with restraints (from numerous acts), and that its indications are also contained in the Vedas.
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Righteousness (Part 1) by The Mahabharata Topic: Vedic Teachings
All men that inhabit this earth are filled with doubts in respect of the nature of righteousness. What is this that is called righteousness? Whence also does righteousness come? Tell me this, O Grandsire! Is righteousness for service in this world or is it for service in the next world? Or, is it fo...
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
PRANA-VYANA-SAMANA-APANA-UDANA by The Mahabharata Topic: Vedic Teachings
Through the breath called PRANA a living creature is enabled to move. Through that called VYANA , they put forth strength of action. That called APANA moves downwards. That called SAMANA resides within the heart. Through that called UDANA one eructates and is enabled to speak in consequence of its p...
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Nine duties that are eternal by The Mahabharata Topic: Vedic Teachings
The nine eternal duties applicable to all.
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Morality by The Mahabharata Topic: Vedic Teachings
When the high righteousness suffers decay and is transgressed by all, when unrighteousness becomes righteousness, and righteousness assumes the form of its reverse, when all wholesome restraints disappear, and all truths in respect of righteousness are disturbed and confounded, when people are oppre...
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Misery by The Mahabharata Topic: Vedic Teachings
Persons conversant with the Vedas have said that death and immurement are both painful. Life is dear unto all. All creatures are made miserable by grief and pain. All creatures wish for happiness. Misery arises from various sources.
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Malevolence by The Mahabharata Topic: Vedic Teachings
I know what benevolence is, in consequence of my observation of persons that are good. I do not, however, know them that are malevolent, nor the nature of their acts, O Bharata. Indeed, people avoid malevolent persons of cruel deeds even as they avoid thorns and pitfalls and fire. It is evident, O B...
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
In what kind of man or woman, does the goddess of prosperity alw by The Mahabharata Topic: Vedic Teachings
I always reside with him that is eloquent, active, attentive to business, free from wrath, given to the worship of the deities, endued with gratitude, has his passions under complete control, and is high-minded in everything.
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Happiness by The Bhagavad Gita Topic: Vedic Teachings
Man goes in quest of joy and searches in the external perishable objects for his happiness. He fails to get it but instead he carries a load of sorrow on his head.
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Happiness by The Mahabharata Topic: Vedic Teachings
You have said that happiness is the highest object. I do not comprehend this. This attribute of the soul that (you say) is so desirable is not sought by the Rishis who are regarded to be engaged in something promising a higher reward. It is heard that the Creator of the three worlds, viz., the puiss...
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Good and Pure by The Mahabharata Topic: Vedic Teachings
I shall now tell thee of those who are called good and whose practice are pure.
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Emancipation by The Mahabharata Topic: Vedic Teachings
How does one become emancipated after passing through a repeated round of painful births? How does Jiva (embodied soul), freed from the body, attain to what is different from it (viz., Brahman or Supreme Reality)? Where do the acts exist of one that is devoid of body?
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Calamity overtakes him who is deficient in wisdom by The Mahabharata Topic: Vedic Teachings
Calamity overtakes him who is deficient in wisdom, or who is of low birth, or who is cruel, or who cherishes hostility for a long time, or who is devoid of energy, or is of a bad disposition, in fact he who has such marks.
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Ashramas – The Four Modes of life by Understanding Hinduism Topic: Vedic Teachings
A person's duties, in the Hindu tradition, are determined by the stage of life (Ashrama) to which he belongs. Life, which is regarded by Hinduism as a journey to the shrine of truth, is marked by four stages (Ashramas) each of which has its responsibilities and obligations.
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
What is Vedic Maths? by Understanding Hinduism Topic: Vedic Maths
Vedic Mathematics is the name given to the ancient system of Mathematics which was rediscovered from the Vedas between 1911 and 1918 by Sri Bharati Krsna Tirthaji (1884-1960). According to his research all of mathematics is based on sixteen Sutras or word-formulae.
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Vedic Mathematics by Understanding Hinduism Topic: Vedic Maths
A description of Vedic Mathematics by Jagadguru Swami Sri Bharati Krsna Tirthaji Maharaj (1884-1960).
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Indic Mathematics: India and the Scientific Revolution by Understanding Hinduism Topic: Vedic Maths
The study of mathematics in the West has long been characterized by a certain ethnocentric bias, a bias which most often manifests not in explicit racism, but in a tendency toward undermining or eliding the real contributions made by non-Western civilizations. The debt owed by the West to other civi...
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
History of Vedic Maths Topic: Vedic Maths
In this direction the Sankaracharya of Govardhan Matha Puri Jagadguru Swami Sri Bharati Krishna Teerthaji Maharaja has explored the encoded vedic mysteries and retrieved a set of mathematical sutras from the Vedic literatures.
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
History of Mathematics in India by Understanding Hinduism Topic: Vedic Maths
In all early civilizations, the first expression of mathematical understanding appears in the form of counting systems. Numbers in very early societies were typically represented by groups of lines, though later different numbers came to be assigned specific numeral names and symbols (as in India) o...
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Father of Vedic Math Topic: Vedic Maths
A short history of His Holiness Jagadguru Shankaracharya Shri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji Maharaja - spiritual seer, philosopher, great mathematician, scientist and the father of Vedic Mathematics.
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
It is important to know what differentiates Vedic Astrology from the more well known Western Astrology. Vedic Astrology or Jyotish (its Sanskrit name meaning Jyoti - Light and Isha - Lord) is based upon the Sidereal Zodiac as opposed to the Tropical Zodiac used in Western Astrology.
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Vedic Origins of the Zodiac: The Hymns of Dirghatamas in the Rig by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Vedic Jyotish
Some scholars have claimed that the Babylonians invented the zodiac of 360 degrees around 700 BCE, perhaps even earlier. Many claim that India received the knowledge of the zodiac from Babylonia or even later from Greece. However, as old as the Rig Veda, the oldest Vedic text, there are clear refere...
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
The Spiritual Man and the Ascendant by Cheruki / Veno Topic: Vedic Jyotish
The horoscope is a reference point for a particular time and place. The main reference point in the horoscope is the Ascendant because it is the main identifying feature of an individual. This reference point is valid for both the Spiritual Man and the Ordinary Man because it is the vehicle through ...
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
The Number 3, Astrology, Alchemy & Revolution by Cheruki / Veno Topic: Vedic Jyotish
"My ancestors lived beneath the sea One night great grandfather visited me Te'aroa was his name and out of the sea he came He showed me he was three circles of light I marvelled at this and realised my plight I was a triangle stuck to a square But grandfather said when I grew more aware ...
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
The Milky Way and the Cosmic Soma by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Vedic Jyotish
The key to the meaning of the signs of the zodiac should be evident from the orientation of the zodiac itself. The most dramatic factor in stellar observation for any person is the Milky Way. The meaning of the signs of the zodiac, if stellar based, should be centered on their relationship to the Mi...
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
The Message of the Ancients - A Vedic Perspective by Prash Trivedi Topic: Vedic Jyotish
In my study of ancient Vedic scriptures, I have come across some startling conclusions. Through this piece I would like to share some of them with you.
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
The Five Foundations of Jyotish by Vaughn Paul Manley Topic: Vedic Jyotish
Learning any discipline, whether it is jyotish, music, medicine etc., is like embarking on a mountaineering expedition. It requires a strong desire to reach the destination, skill, and commitment. Just like there are ten essentials for the mountaineer - pocketknife, first-aid kit, matches, map, comp...
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
The Difference Between The Vedic And The Western Systems Topic: Vedic Jyotish
The Zodiac is an imaginary ring in the sky which encircles our solar system like a girdle. To determine the positions of the planets on this circle we need some reference point, a point which will remain fixed while the heavenly bodies keep moving.
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Special Planetary Mantras, Name and Shakti Mantras by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Vedic Jyotish
The following are the name (nama) mantras for the planets as preceded by their Shakti or power mantras. These can be used to connect with the planetary deities and to energize all the higher powers of the planets.
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Shaktis of the Nakshatras by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Vedic Jyotish
Each Nakshatra has its particular power or Shakti. These are also the powers of the Devatas or the deities ruling the Nakshatras. Each of these Shaktis has its effect above and its effect below, and the final result of these three factors. The imagery is of common factors of plants, healing, worship...
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Nakshatras and Upanakshatras by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Vedic Jyotish
The Vedas show a division of the zodiac into 27 Nakshatras or lunar mansions. That they might have more subtle divisions of the zodiac than 27 should not surprise us. A twentysevenfold division would demand finer divisions for accurate calculations. In this regard Satapatha Brahmana describes Upanak...
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
JYOTISH or VEDIC ASTROLOGY - A BRIEF INTRO by Prash Trivedi Topic: Vedic Jyotish
Vedic astrology is the modern name for an ancient system of astrology known in Sanskrit as "Jyotish" - "Jyoti" being light and "isha" being lord. Jyotish thus translates into "the Lord of Light" or "the Knowledge of Light". Modern science now confirms that all matter/physical universe is based upon ...
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Is the cardiac problem predictable? by Kailasnath Krishnan Topic: Vedic Jyotish
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Indian Mythology and the Origin of the Planets by Sujit Bose Topic: Vedic Jyotish
Astrology or Jyotish is an integral part of the Vedas. Though in the Vedas the emphasis is more on Astronomy, there was hardly any distinction between Astrology and Astronomy in the Vedic period. Both were studied to determine the auspicious timings for making offerings to propitiate the Gods. The V...
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Gifts of the 8th House: Transformation and Change by Vaughn Paul Manley Topic: Vedic Jyotish
The malefic influences in our chart generally deliver to us our negative, undesirable karma during the times of their dashas and transits.
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Fruits of Worshipping Each Nakshatra by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Vedic Jyotish
Each Nakshatra reflects certain wishes or desires that those who born under them are inclined to have. In the Vedas each Nakshatra deity reflects these wishes, that those who worship this deity and its Nakshatra will gain. This material comes from the Taittiriya Brahmana III.1.4. It affords addition...
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
FOR THE ASTROLOGER - a study of the atmakaraka and the nodes by Cheruki / Veno Topic: Vedic Jyotish
For an astrologer the main keys to discerning the right path for an individual is to study the atmakaraka and the nodes Rahu and Ketu in the horoscope.
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
CONSCIOUS LIVING - Eye of the Vedas by Cheruki / Veno Topic: Vedic Jyotish
Astrology is called the "Eye of the Vedas". This reference to Astrology in ancient texts is overlooked by even the most devout exponents and followers of eastern philosophical thought and spirituality. Astrology is the "Eye of the Vedas" because it is the only means by which one can know their p...
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Ayurvedic Astrology by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Vedic Jyotish
All great ancient civilizations centered their cultures on profound systems of astrology, connecting conditions and events on the Earth with cosmic influences deriving from the stars. Whether it is India or China, Egypt or Babylonia, or the Mayas and Incans of America, we find in each case an astrol...
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Ayurveda and Astrology - Are they related? by Kailasnath Krishnan Topic: Vedic Jyotish
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Astrology - Its Importance and Relevance by Prash Trivedi Topic: Vedic Jyotish
A look at Astrology and its importance and relevance in contemporary society.
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
A Vedic Key to the Zodiac by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Vedic Jyotish
Published: Wednesday 27 May, 2009
Women in Vedic Culture by Stephen Knapp Topic: Vedic Culture
There are many civilizations in the world where respect for women and their role in society are prominent, and others where regard for them and their status should be improved. Yet the level of civility along with moral and spiritual standards in a society can often be perceived by the respect and r...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Why Study the Vedic Path by Stephen Knapp Topic: Vedic Culture
History is like a puzzle, when you put enough pieces together it provides a key to unlocking the truth of our past, where we came from, and who and what we really are. The main purpose of this book is to help restore world unity by taking another look at global history. It will provide proof that th...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
What Is Vedic Aryan Culture by Stephen Knapp Topic: Vedic Culture
It is often considered that the Vedic Aryans are a race of people. Aryan actually means a standard of living, an ideal. It was the Sanskrit speaking people of thousands of years ago that gave the word arya to signify a gentleman, an ideal person, someone on the path of purity. It was a term meant fo...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Vedic Culture: The Last Bastion of Deep Spiritual Truth by Stephen Knapp Topic: Vedic Culture
Why would Vedic culture be called the last bastion of deep spiritual truth? It doesn't take much to understand, at least after a little investigation, that the Vedic process of spiritual advancement promotes individual freedom of thought, complete liberty of inquiry, and the privilege of independent...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Vedic Culture: As Relevant Today as Ever by Stephen Knapp Topic: Vedic Culture
By investigating the knowledge and viewpoints in the many topics found in Vedic culture we can certainly see that the practice and utilization of this Vedic knowledge can indeed assist us in many ways. In regard to all the trouble we presently find in this world, maybe it is time to look at things t...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Vedic Culture is the Parent of Humanity by Stephen Knapp Topic: Vedic Culture
The title of this page may seem like a bold statement, but there is some very interesting evidence to consider. As we established in the chapter on the creation of the material world, when the Supreme Being created the universe He also provided the Vedic knowledge and terminology by which humanity c...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Vedic Culture / Hinduism: A Short Introduction by Stephen Knapp Topic: Vedic Culture
This is a short description of the basics of Vedic culture and its philosophy. Many people do not know quite what it is, and it is often described incorrectly by many who are not a part of it. However, it is not as mysterious or complex as it is often portrayed to be. So here in the next few pages y...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Uncovering the Truth About India's History by Stephen Knapp Topic: Vedic Culture
As we have now investigated the rest of the world for remnants of the global Vedic culture, as presented in my book, we must also focus our attention on India where it still thrives. However, now we will uncover some of India's real history. This will help us understand how much of its glory, beauty...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Time to Plan the Survival of Vedic Culture by Stephen Knapp Topic: Vedic Culture
From the information that has been provided, we can fairly safely say that since Islam existed only from 622 A.D., the majority of Muslims in India and Bangladesh today are descendants of captured, mistreated, or distressed Hindus. A blatant example of this is the story of one Nazir Ali, which appea...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
The Vedas and Ancient Egypt by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Vedic Culture
The Vedas represent a monumental spiritual literature, by far the largest that remains from the ancient world. We could therefore call the Vedas, ‘the pyramids of the ancient mind’.
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
The Traditional Source Of Vedic Literature by Stephen Knapp Topic: Vedic Culture
How were the Vedas established? What were their origins? What is their history? How were they divided, and why does it seem that there are different paths from which to choose within the Vedas?
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
The Significance Of The Mystical Number 108 by Vaughn Paul Manley Topic: Vedic Culture
Have you ever wondered why a typical beaded neclace from the East, called a mala, is always strung with 108 beads?
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
The Need to Rewrite the History of India by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Vedic Culture
In recent years, the government of India and several state governments have decided to revise history books, particularly relative to the ancient period, bringing up recent data that calls into question the Aryan invasion and the many theories that have arisen from it. Over the past few decades nume...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
The need for a New Indic School of Thought by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Vedic Culture
During the Eurocolonial period, Indian history and civilization were distorted to fit European perceptions. A new school of thought is needed that will see Asian history and tradition with Asian eyes and thought, beginning with India .
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
The Myth of the Hindu Right by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Vedic Culture
In media accounts today, particularly in India, it seems that any group which identifies itself as Hindu or tries to promote any Hindu cause is quickly and uncritically defined as ‘right-winged’.
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
The Europeanization of the Vedas and its Distortions by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Vedic Culture
Modern western examination of the Vedas, and through the Vedas the ancient history of India, has been colored by the search for an original European identity, the so-called Aryans. This has led to Indian history and tradition being subordinated to a proposed Indo-European people and culture placed i...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
THE ARYAN INVASION: HISTORY OR POLITICS? by Stephen Knapp Topic: Vedic Culture
The evidence of science now points to two basic conclusions: first, there was no Aryan invasion, and second, the Rig-Vedic people were already established in India no later than 4000 BC. How are we then to account for the continued presence of the Aryan invasion version of history in history books a...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Linguistics and Civilization by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Vedic Culture
In order to understand the role of linguistics in determining ancient history, we first need to understand the place of language in human culture. In this regard, spoken language is one of several important factors of culture but not the only one or necessarily the most important.
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Death of the Aryan Invasion Theory by Stephen Knapp Topic: Vedic Culture
With only a small amount of research, a person can discover that each area of the world has its own ancient culture that includes its own gods and legends about the origins of various cosmological realities, and that many of these are very similar. But where did all these stories and gods come from?...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Casteism: Is It the Scourge of Hinduism, or the Perversion of a by Stephen Knapp Topic: Vedic Culture
Casteism in India has gotten a lot of criticism, and rightly so. The way casteism is at present should not even exist. Casteism as we find it today is now nothing more than a misrepresentation and misinterpretation of a legitimate and progressive Vedic system known as varnashrama. However, we need t...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
An Ecological View of Ancient India by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Vedic Culture
Ecology is beginning to define how we look at the world and how we look at ourselves. Each geographical region in the world constitutes a special ecosystem – an interrelated habitat for plants and animals shaped by climate and terrain. These ecological factors have a strong effect on culture a...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
A Complete Review of Vedic Literature And the Knowledge Within by Stephen Knapp Topic: Vedic Culture
If we are going to understand the essential truths in Vedic literature, then we must get a glimpse of the content and purpose of its many texts and the expansive nature of the knowledge it contains. The Vedic philosophy encompasses the oldest spiritual texts of any religion in the world, and its sub...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Worldwide sources of dry cow dung Topic: Vedic Agnihotra
A worldwide list of suppliers of dry cow dung for Agnihotra.
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
What is Agnihotra Topic: Vedic Agnihotra
Agnihotra is an ancient science given in Sanskrit language at the time of creation. Sanskrit was never anyone's mother tongue; it is a language of vibration. We can make changes in the atmosphere with Sanskrit mantras and fire prepared with specific organic substances, timed to the sunrise/sunset bi...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
The complete worldwide timing calculator program for Agnihotra Topic: Vedic Agnihotra
Agnihotra for Windows is a standalone program that runs on any Windows PC and serves to remind you each day of the Agnihotra times. It even has a training mode where you can learn how to do Agnihotra and learn the mantras.
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Scientific Experiments with Agnihotra Topic: Vedic Agnihotra
A set of detailed scientific experiments with Agnihotra
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Research Findings Topic: Vedic Agnihotra
Thousands of people all over the world are performing Agnihotra and are immensely benefited in various fields of life.
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
How to perform Agnihotra Topic: Vedic Agnihotra
This page will instruct you in how to perform Agnihotra and prepare the necessary materials yourself.
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Homa Therapy Topic: Vedic Agnihotra
Homa is a Sanskrit word used here synonymously with Yajnya. Yajnya is the technical term from the Vedic science of bioenergy denoting the process of removing the toxic conditions of the atmosphere through the agency of fire. You heal the atmosphere and the healed atmosphere heals you. This is the ce...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Agnihotra: What it is and how it is performed by Prof. H.G. Ranade Topic: Vedic Agnihotra
The process of Agnihotra consists of making two offerings to the fire exactly at the time of sunrise & sunset alongwith the chanting of two small Sanskrit mantras.
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Agnihotra Q & A Topic: Vedic Agnihotra
Agnihotra is a process of purification of the atmosphere as a cumulative effect of various scientific principles harnessed to give rise to an unparalled purifying and healing phenomenon.
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Zero Waste: An Introduction by Biophile Topic: Sustainability
Zero Waste is a goal, a process, a way of thinking that profoundly changes our approach to resources and production. Not only is Zero Waste about recycling and diversion from landfill, it restructures production and distribution systems to prevent waste from being produced in the first place.
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Using Vedic technologies for peace in South Africa by Vedic Society Topic: Sustainability
Vedic Society is committed to accelerating the healing of this entire nation, so it may again become peaceful, so children may again play safely, so we can walk freely without fear. In ancient times Kings would employ Vedic technologies such as Yagya to heal and balance the entire nation. Sthapatya ...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
The true cost of cheap food by Biophile Topic: Sustainability
When buying anything in this modern age we all tend to buy the most cheaply priced articles. We buy not so much for value as for cheapness, ignoring the real costs of our false economies, for that is what they are when carefully examined.
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Give tropical foods a chance Topic: Sustainability
Sugar, Coffee, Chocolate and Vanilla: the backbone of the tropical foods economy. Four products that most of us use daily. But, do you know where your morning coffee is grown, or the conditions under which it’s grown? What about that chocolate bar you had yesterday afternoon? Who processed the...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Exploitation pays, conservation costs by Biophile Topic: Sustainability
It is okay if the dominant world system fails. It has failed more people on this planet than it has assisted. It has exploited them and their world and offers them no hope beside vague promises of trickle down wealth, crumbs from the half percent of the worlds population that own nearly half of the ...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Eating meat: is it sustainable? by Biophile Topic: Sustainability
Whether you eat meat or not (or how much) is a private matter, they might say. Maybe it has some implications for your heart, especially if you’re overweight. But it’s not one of the high-profile public issues you’d expect presidential candidates or senators to be debating – ...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Driving for change by Biophile Topic: Sustainability
You don’t have to start riding a tofu-powered lawn mower to help save the environment. There are plenty of simple things you can do that will help clean up the air—and save you a few bucks.
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Your Thoughts Create Your Future by Stephen Knapp Topic: Spiritual Insight
One thing I want to do right now before we go any farther is to explain some information that many people can use. This will show how your thinking creates your consciousness and how to help control it. It provides evidence so that you can see how your life unfolds according to what you draw to it, ...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Worship by Understanding Hinduism Topic: Spiritual Insight
The purpose of worshipping the impersonal Supreme Being is never to forget "I am Brahman," (Brahman = the Supreme Reality)because the meditation "I am Brahman" comprises sacrifice, gifts, penance, ritual, yoga, and worship. The only way to overcome any obstruction that may happen to your meditation ...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
World Peace is a Possibility by Stephen Knapp Topic: Spiritual Insight
Two factors that keep the world from being united is the presumption of racial superiority, and the desire to conquer and convert. The only way to breakthrough the barriers of distinction that seem to exist between us is with love. However, that love cannot be love of the body or society. It has to ...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Why Understand the Creation of the Universe by Stephen Knapp Topic: Spiritual Insight
Why should we understand how the universe was created? Because it gives us a clearer understanding of where we have come from, where we are going, who and what we are, and what our purpose is here. There have been many scientific theories over the years about the origin of life and how the universe ...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Why is There Suffering? by Stephen Knapp Topic: Spiritual Insight
It is natural that at some point in our lives people ask, "Why is there suffering?" Or "Why am I not happy?" "Why can't we simply go on with life and not undergo so many trials and tribulations? Why can't God make a universe or world where there is no suffering?" Well, may answer to that is He alrea...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Why Be Vegetarian by Stephen Knapp Topic: Spiritual Insight
On the spiritual path, there are several reasons why a person is recommended to be vegetarian. One primary reason is that we need to see the spiritual nature within all living beings, and that includes the animals and other creatures as well. Universal brotherhood means nonviolence to both humans an...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Who am I? by Understanding Hinduism Topic: Spiritual Insight
Every living being longs always to be happy untainted by sorrow; and everyone has the greatest love for himself, which is solely due to the fact that happiness is his real nature. Hence, in order to realize that inherent and untainted happiness, which indeed he daily experiences when the mind is sub...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
When Kali Comes to Call by Dr. Robert Svoboda Topic: Spiritual Insight
A curious Kali surveys me as I write these words. She reached me recently, unbidden, a gift from a friend whose friend was ordered by his guru to divest himself of all his icons. The sticker beneath Her crimson feet proudly proclaims that She was "hand moulded and fired in India from Ganges River cl...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Vedantic Meditation by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Spiritual Insight
The first teachers who brought Yoga to the West came with the profound teachings of Vedanta as their greatest treasure to share with the world. They presented Vedanta as the philosophy of Self-realization and Yoga as the methodology by which to achieve it.
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Turning the Life's Poisons into the Nectar of Soma by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Spiritual Insight
Actually everything in life is or can be poison. Even our most blissful and happy experiences of love, prosperity or vitality as limited by time and death can become poison. Brooding over the joys of the past can be as painful as going over the sorrows. The end of our success or fulfillment itself c...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Tithing - The magic number of increase by Understanding Hinduism Topic: Spiritual Insight
How can you practise the other kind of giving constructively, so as to avoid giving destructively? The ancients believed that the number ‘ten’ was the magic number of increase, and they invoked this magic number by regularly giving one-tenth of all channels of income to their religious l...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
There is No Failure in Spiritual Life by Stephen Knapp Topic: Spiritual Insight
When I say there is no failure in spiritual life, I mean that no one who is sincere in the genuinely trying to serve God will fail. I don't mean ordinary religious life in which one engages in occasional acts of faith or piety, but in authentic activities of surrender and devotion to God.
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
The Vedic Description of the Soul by Stephen Knapp Topic: Spiritual Insight
Who am I? What am I? Am I the body, mind or something more? These are the age old questions that every philosopher throughout the ages has tried to grasp and understand. After all, how will you know what to do in life if you do not even know who or what you are? However, the ancient Vedic literature...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
THE SOUNDLESS SUSURRATION OF THE KINDLY HEART by Dr. Robert Svoboda Topic: Spiritual Insight
A picture, they say, is worth a thousand words, except in the case of Shiva Nataraja, the "Lord of Dance," whose form is beyond any price that human speech can pay. By expressing through His image the point where the manifest and the unmanifest intersect, Nataraja blazes forth as the divine symbol o...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
The Significance of Deities and Deity Worship by Stephen Knapp Topic: Spiritual Insight
Deities play an important part in most temples of Krishna and other Divinities. But what is the significance of Deities and Deity worship? One thing to understand is that all the images or Deities in the Vedic pantheon, as found in the temples, are made according to explicit details and instructions...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
The role of Bhakti Bhava and Prema Bhava in dance Topic: Spiritual Insight
The combination of Nritta [pure dance], Abhinaya [pure expression] and Nritya [expressional dancing] when portrayed in a spirit of total ecstasy, rising above the physical realm and parameters of the body shall lead the dancer close to the limitless domain of the COSMIC SELF.
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
The Purpose of Life by Stephen Knapp Topic: Spiritual Insight
So, with compassion, the Supreme Lord also creates the material manifestation in a way that can give the living beings a chance to work out their material desires and understand their real spiritual position. By following the proper instructions that the Supreme provides, the living being can be del...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
The Prosperity Secret of the Ages - Gifts by Understanding Hinduism Topic: Spiritual Insight
By making gifts one acquires all kinds of enjoyable articles. By making gifts one simply increases one’s wealth. By making gifts one acquires great fame in consequence of one’s high achievements.
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
The Primacy of Shakti by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Spiritual Insight
The ultimate goal of human life is liberation or moksha, the realization of the Pure Self or Brahman beyond all time, space and karma . In that alone is complete and lasting peace and freedom. This is made clear in many great spiritual teachings since the Vedas.
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
The Power of Synchronicities & Omens by Vaughn Paul Manley Topic: Spiritual Insight
Many cultures around the world, both ancient and modern, have believed in signs and omens as a source of valuable information about life. To the native Hawaiians, a rainbow (anuenue) or an owl (pueo) appearing at just the right moment may help them make an important decision. Other cultures in the E...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
The Nature of Reality by Understanding Hinduism Topic: Spiritual Insight
As early as the Vedic times, the Rishis investigated the nature of reality from two levels of experience, one of which may be called the absolute, acosmic or transcendental level and the other relative, cosmic or phenomenal level. At the phenomenal level one perceives the universe of diversity and i...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
The Meaning of "God is Love" by Stephen Knapp Topic: Spiritual Insight
The phrase and concept that "God is love" is often used by many people of different religions, but it is hardly ever explained adequately. People may say that God is all-loving, forgiving, or your eternal friend, which is true, but, essentially, this is a fairly shallow explanation of how God is lov...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
The Material Creation is Proof of God's Existence by Stephen Knapp Topic: Spiritual Insight
As the Vedic literature progressively explains, the fullest understanding of God is that the Absolute Truth culminates in the Supreme Person. All of creation comes from this Person. And the material creation is proof of the existence of this Supreme Personality.
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
The Devatas (Gods and Goddesses) as Forms of Brahman by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Spiritual Insight
The Hindu Gods and Goddesses, more properly called Devatas or Divine principles, are usually treated by modern scholars in a superficial senses as distinct powers of nature or worse as just various imaginary spirits of the primitive mind.
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Spiritual Enlightenment: The Cure For all Social Ills by Stephen Knapp Topic: Spiritual Insight
Throughout society most people are absorbed in bodily consciousness. Bodily consciousness means that people think their bodies are the basis of their identity. This usually brings people to think, in various degrees, that the goal of life is to provide as much comfort and pleasure to the mind and bo...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Speaking Truth: The Art of Sacred Speech by Dr. Robert Svoboda Topic: Spiritual Insight
According to the Vedas, there are four degrees of human speech. As the information age gathers momentum, the most primitive level–the spoken and written word–is drowning out the higher, more subtle tongues. The result? Confusion, cynicism, and a flat, homogenized view of the world.
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Self-enquiry- Practice by Understanding Hinduism Topic: Spiritual Insight
Beginners in self-enquiry were advised by Sri Ramana to put their attention on the inner feeling of ‘I’ and to hold that feeling as long as possible. They would be told that if their attention was distracted by other thoughts they should revert to awareness of the ‘I’-thought...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Self-enquiry- Misconceptions by Understanding Hinduism Topic: Spiritual Insight
Sri Ramana Maharshi’s philosophical pronouncements were very similar to those upheld by the followers of Advaita (non-dualistic) Vedanta, an Indian philosophical school which has flourished for well over a thousand years. Sri Ramana Maharshi and the Advaitins agree on most theoretical matters ...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Self-enquiry - Theory by Understanding Hinduism Topic: Spiritual Insight
Sri Ramana Maharshi maintained that Self-realisation could be brought about merely by giving up the idea that there is an individual self, which functions through the body and the mind. A few of his advanced devotees were able to do this quickly and easily, but the others found it virtually impossib...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Self Inquiry and Its Practice by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Spiritual Insight
Self-inquiry is a process of meditation that involves tracing the root of thought to its origin in the heart. It shows us how to take our ego-consciousness back to the Divine I am at the core of our being in which all sense of separate self disappears. Self-inquiry is the most important approach of ...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Seeing the Divinity in Everyone by Stephen Knapp Topic: Spiritual Insight
Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of the Aikido method of martial arts said: "Above all, one must unite one's heart with that of the gods. The essence of God is love, an all-pervading love that reaches every corner of the universe. If one is not united to God, the universe cannot be harmonized. Martial a...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Seeing Beyond the Illusion by Stephen Knapp Topic: Spiritual Insight
So what is the purpose of reading this article? To assist ourselves in seeing through the illusory nature of this material world. When you understand how this world is manifested and how it works, you have an easier means of recognizing the temporary nature of it and why we are here. The first thing...
Published: Tuesday 26 May, 2009
Ritual Success by Dr. Robert Svoboda Topic: Spiritual Insight
Success at ritual is all about alignment. We want first of all to align ourselves with Ganesha, so that the objects that we are going to employ in our ritual will cooperate with us, so that our sense organs will be turned in the direction of the ritual that we are going to perform, and so that all t...
Published: Monday 25 May, 2009
Reincarnation: A Simple Explanation by Stephen Knapp Topic: Spiritual Insight
Reincarnation is called samsara in the classic Vedic texts of India. The word samsara is Sanskrit and means being bound to the cycle of repeated birth and death through numerous lifetimes. How this works is that those who are materially conditioned transmigrate through different bodies according to ...
Published: Monday 25 May, 2009
Our Real Identity, Our Real Motivation by Stephen Knapp Topic: Spiritual Insight
The second chapter of the Bhagavad-gita explains how we are not these bodies, but our true identity is that we are spiritual beings that exist in these temporary material forms, like a driver in a car. The soul cannot be burned, dried, withered, or harmed in any way. It is eternal. The soul does not...
Published: Monday 25 May, 2009
Our Karmic Code and Higher Evolution by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Spiritual Insight
Karma, meaning action, is a term in yogic spirituality for explaining the soul’s evolution from life to life. Karma is generally portrayed as the effect of our individual actions, extending from past lives to present and future lives.[i] It is often regarded as a force of determination, like f...
Published: Monday 25 May, 2009
Modern Science and Vedic Science by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Spiritual Insight
The universe we live in is a multidimensional reality from the subatomic to the supragalactic in the realm of physics alone. Biology, medicine, psychology and the social sciences require different perspectives and approaches to deal with appropriately. On top of these are subtle forces and influence...
Published: Monday 25 May, 2009
Mind Power - Affirmations by Understanding Hinduism Topic: Spiritual Insight
Affirmations are one of the simplest and most powerful things we can do to change the quality of our lives, and to create the things we want.
Published: Monday 25 May, 2009
Karma: What Is It? by Stephen Knapp Topic: Spiritual Insight
Karma is one of those topics that many people know a little about, but few understand the intricacies of it. To start with, the second law of thermodynamics is that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. On the universal scale, this is the law of karma. The law of karma basically ...
Published: Monday 25 May, 2009
Karma of the Nation by Stephen Knapp Topic: Spiritual Insight
In studying the science of karma, we must remember that it is actually a basic law of physics, that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. On the universal scale it is also a natural law, only it is called the law of karma. Individuals acquire karma as a result of their good or ba...
Published: Monday 25 May, 2009
How to Spiritualize Your Busy Life and Why by Stephen Knapp Topic: Spiritual Insight
How to spiritualize our lives is easier to explain than why, especially when we are so busy with numerous responsibilities or goals that we face everyday. After all, if we are already so busy, why should we feel that we need to spend more of our time in spiritual pursuits? Where are we going to get ...
Published: Monday 25 May, 2009
Hinduism, Sanatana Dharma and Yoga by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Spiritual Insight
People often ask about the relationship between Vedas, Hinduism and related disciplines of Yoga, Ayurveda and Vedic astrology, particularly to what extent one may need to embrace the spiritual and religious background of these teachings in order to really benefit from them.
Published: Monday 25 May, 2009
Finding Our Real Spiritual Identity by Stephen Knapp Topic: Spiritual Insight
Out of all the philosophical understanding that the Vedic texts provide, this is one of the most important of all. An essential part of understanding spiritual knowledge, and an important part of the teachings of Lord Krishna, is that we realize our spiritual identity. Why it is suggested that we be...
Published: Monday 25 May, 2009
Family Vows by Dr. Robert Svoboda Topic: Spiritual Insight
Vasudhaiva kutumbakam, says an ancient maxim of India: Our family is our earth, in the earthy sense of being our foundation, our support, the thing we walk on, live on, rely on. This age-old precept is linked to the ancient truth that we are bound to one another by the limitations of our biology.
Published: Monday 25 May, 2009
Environmentalism According to the Vedic View by Stephen Knapp Topic: Spiritual Insight
The environment means nature, and whose nature is it? It is God’s nature. Did anyone else create it? Did anyone else put it all together so that it operates the way it does? In fact, mankind is still trying to figure out all the intricacies of its functionality.
Published: Monday 25 May, 2009
Economics According to the Dharmic Way by Stephen Knapp Topic: Spiritual Insight
This is a simple explanation of how we should view economics according to the principles of Vedic Dharma.
Published: Monday 25 May, 2009
Divine Fury: Recollections of a Renegade Guru by Dr. Robert Svoboda Topic: Spiritual Insight
"Life is just a memory," the Aghori Vimalananda liked to muse. "Bitter or sweet, it is nothing but memory."
Published: Monday 25 May, 2009
Dispelling The Fear of Death by Stephen Knapp Topic: Spiritual Insight
It is natural to feel fear of the unknown. In regard to death, this fear may be of what might happen during the process of dying, such as the pain of a terminal illness, nausea, vomiting, or even fearing abandonment by those around you. The fear of death may also be perpetuated by the sadness of the...
Published: Monday 25 May, 2009
Destructive Emotions by Understanding Hinduism Topic: Spiritual Insight
The weakening influence of the destructive emotions- Fear, Worry, Anger, Grief, Fretting, Jealousy etc.
Published: Monday 25 May, 2009
Dada J.P Vaswani's: What life has taught me Topic: Spiritual Insight
The teachings and philosophy of Dada J.P Vaswani, who is universally acclaimed as a humanitarian, philosopher, educator, acclaimed writer, powerful orator, messiah of ahimsa, and non-sectarian spiritual leader.~
Published: Monday 25 May, 2009
Curing Depression with Spirituality by Stephen Knapp Topic: Spiritual Insight
Depression, according to recent statistics, is practically an epidemic, with over 70 million people suffering from its affects, such as a feeling of moroseness, uselessness, lack of energy, inability to sleep, and a poor attitude toward life in general, among other symptoms.
Published: Monday 25 May, 2009
Consciousness: The Symptom of the Soul by Stephen Knapp Topic: Spiritual Insight
Very often scientists have a desire to do something that determines or proves the philosophy they use. Rather than simply basing their philosophy on the facts alone, they may tend to base their viewpoints or interpret their experiments on what they desire. In this way, they may use the idea that lif...
Published: Monday 25 May, 2009
Atma Devata, the Self as the Divinity by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Spiritual Insight
Atman means the Self or soul, the very essence of our being as pure consciousness. It is common to all living creatures and pervades the entire universe.
Published: Monday 25 May, 2009
A Vedic Consecration to the Spiritual Heart by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Spiritual Insight
The heart (hridaya) is the seat of the Self or Atman in Vedantic thought. Realization of the Self in the heart is the main Vedantic formulation of Moksha or liberation.
Published: Monday 25 May, 2009
DADA J.P. VASWANI by Vedic Society Topic: Saints of India
Universally acclaimed as a humanitarian, philosopher, educator, acclaimed writer, powerful orator, messiah of ahimsa, and non-sectarian spiritual leader, Dada J.P. Vaswani has captivated the hearts of millions worldwide. In the eyes of many, Dada J.P. Vaswani is a man who symbolizes the true spirit ...
Published: Saturday 23 May, 2009
Tiruvannamalai - Mountain of Medicine Topic: Sacred Sites
After living in Tiruvannamalai for almost five years, in July of 2003 my daughter was born in our little house. During the night of her birth the long dry summer was broken with a fantastic storm. I decided to give thanks for this event, by planting a few trees on the Hill. However, this small act s...
Published: Saturday 23 May, 2009
The Road into Lhasa, Tibet by Biophile Topic: Sacred Sites
I drove into Lhasa in a beat-up 20-year-old 4×4 that just made the journey. There were four of us, all slightly smug that we had managed to avoid making the 20-hour journey in a Chinese bus.
Published: Saturday 23 May, 2009
Seeing Spiritual India by Stephen Knapp Topic: Sacred Sites
Reading about Eastern philosophy is one thing, but going to Eastern lands and actually experiencing it is quite another. Seeing the local people who understand and practice this knowledge in their customary surroundings can be very enlightening, but it can also be perplexing if you don't know what i...
Published: Saturday 23 May, 2009
Preparing for Your Trip to India by Stephen Knapp Topic: Sacred Sites
I often get questions about how to prepare for a trip to India and what to do, what to bring, and how to go about having a safe trip. So to help those who wish to have a pleasant journey, I am preparing this article to guide you through the basics. Naturally, traveling to India is an extremely indiv...
Published: Saturday 23 May, 2009
Planetary Acupunture: Visiting Sacred Places Topic: Sacred Sites
The energy transference at the power place goes both ways; earth to human and human to earth.
Published: Saturday 23 May, 2009
Arunachala Samudra Topic: Sacred Sites
There is an epigraph chiselled in the masonry at the Tiruvannamalai Temple dated 1317 which describes the glory of King Vallaladeva’s reign at Arunasamudra, an ancient name for Tiruvannamalai.
Published: Saturday 23 May, 2009
Why Reusing Beats Recycling by Biophile Topic: Recycling
Reusing is often confused with recycling, but they are really quite different. Reusing in the broadest sense means any activity that lengthens the life of an item.
Published: Saturday 23 May, 2009
The 3 Rs in simple steps by Biophile Topic: Recycling
First: reduce. This critical first step has been overshadowed by a focus on recycling. Simplify your life as much as possible. Only keep belongings that you use or enjoy on a regular basis. By making the effort to reduce what you own, you will naturally purchase less and create less waste in the fut...
Published: Saturday 23 May, 2009
When the oil runs out by Biophile Topic: Natural Energy
Civilization as we know it is coming to an end soon. This is not the wacky proclamation of a doomsday cult, apocalypse bible prophecy sect, or conspiracy theory society. Rather, it is the scientific conclusion of the best paid, most widely-respected geologists, physicists, and investment bankers in ...
Published: Saturday 23 May, 2009
Unconventional Power For An Unconventional Country by Biophile Topic: Natural Energy
Life in rural Africa has never been easy. Living “out in the sticks” (as we comfortable city dwellers fondly call it) is hard work. There is no water on tap; there is no lighting or electricity available at the flick of the switch. It is hard to comprehend a life without these simple ame...
Published: Saturday 23 May, 2009
Greasecar by Biophile Topic: Natural Energy
When my fuel gauge starts heading for the red, it’s not a petrol station I start looking for, but a fast food restaurant!
Published: Saturday 23 May, 2009
Fuel for thought by Biophile Topic: Natural Energy
The diesel engine was intended to run on peanut oil—allowing farmers to grow their own fuel and small craftsmen and artisans to compete with large industry. Cheap petrodiesel and petrol prevented this ideal from becoming a reality. Now, one hundred and ten years later, people around the world ...
Published: Saturday 23 May, 2009
Alternative Energy For Your Home by Biophile Topic: Natural Energy
Sun, wind, and water: these three natural elements can produce all the power you need with little or no impact on the environment.
Published: Saturday 23 May, 2009
Water-wise gardening tips by Biophile Topic: Green Gardening
Because gardens are often so water-intensive, it is important to look at the principles of water-wise gardening. Water-wise gardens are also lower maintenance than normal gardens.
Published: Saturday 23 May, 2009
The Pharmacy Of Flowers by David Crow Topic: Green Gardening
Aromatic plants and fragrant flowers are some of nature’s most beautiful creations. In the long history of planetary evolution, it was the appearance of flowers that initiated the rapid expansion of biodiversity that has created the world we now live in. Now, fragrances from flowers, leaves, ...
Published: Saturday 23 May, 2009
The People’s Pharmacy: Creating Grassroots Healthcare Syst by David Crow Topic: Green Gardening
Building a grassroots movement to grow and utilize medicinal and nutritive plants in a collective manner requires commitment and resources originating from individuals, neighborhoods, and communities. In order for this movement to quickly gain momentum and have long-term success, it must be embraced...
Published: Saturday 23 May, 2009
The Learning Garden by David Crow Topic: Green Gardening
This paper is divided into two parts. Part one describes the vision, philosophy, and resources needed to create grass-roots healthcare systems. The Learning Garden is an excellent example of such grass-roots healthcare, as we have successfully brought organic food and medicinal plants not only to th...
Published: Saturday 23 May, 2009
Starting a Vegetable Garden by Biophile Topic: Green Gardening
Statistics published in recent editions of community newspapers make the mind balk at the incredible volumes of waste generated by Capetonians – enough, it was said, to cover four football pitches to a depth of one metre every single day.
Published: Saturday 23 May, 2009
Soil For Life by Biophile Topic: Green Gardening
The astronauts who first circled the Earth in their spacecraft likened our planet to a blue pearl in space. The living world, or biosphere, forms a fragile film over the planet, separating the surface from the vacuum of space, and the living soil forms the foundation of the biosphere.
Published: Saturday 23 May, 2009
Medicines For The Earth: The Eco-Physiology of Plants by David Crow Topic: Green Gardening
Plants are the foundation of civilization and culture. They created the biosphere of the earth’s surface, and they regulate its functions. Plants are the ultimate source of all health and prosperity; they feed us, give us clothing and shelter, provide fuel, fiber, and countless other necessiti...
Published: Saturday 23 May, 2009
Making Compost by Biophile Topic: Green Gardening
Most gardeners have long understood the value of this rich, dark, earthy material in improving the soil and creating a healthy environment for plants.
Published: Saturday 23 May, 2009
Edible Landscaping by Biophile Topic: Green Gardening
Edible landscaping offers an alternative to conventional residential landscapes that are designed solely for ornamental purposes.
Published: Saturday 23 May, 2009
Vaastu by Biophile Topic: Green Building
Vaastu is a Sanskrit word meaning “the science of structures.” It is a traditional Indian theory of architecture that guides the design and construction of buildings so that they are in harmony with the laws of Nature.
Published: Friday 22 May, 2009
Natural building, green building by Biophile Topic: Green Building
Building materials have undergone a speedy evolution over the past century. Standard dimensions and shapes, predictable qualities, and manufactured precision make it quicker and easier to design and construct new buildings with laserflat walls, straight and sharp corners, and glass-smooth floors.
Published: Friday 22 May, 2009
Building for our future by Biophile Topic: Green Building
There is a quiet, but widespread movement towards an architecture which treads more lightly on the planet. It is our hope that, after discovering the available alternatives in this series of articles, you will develop a deep dissatisfaction with standard building practices and begin a search for tru...
Published: Friday 22 May, 2009
The Spirit of Enquiry by Prash Trivedi Topic: Jyotish
We live in a society that thrives upon competition, ambition, greed, and exploitation. Because of this, the earth's resources are being consumed at an alarming rate. To make matters worse, few are really botheblack enough to be concerned with the consequences we face tomorrow. But underneath, ...
Published: Friday 22 May, 2009
Shifting Awareness - the Real Education by Prash Trivedi Topic: Jyotish
Majority of humanity at present has an awareness which is confined to daily activities in what is known as the 'worldly realm'. As a whole we find ourselves lost in this huge Universe with no connection whatsoever with the forces of the Cosmos, except probably for the physical connection springi...
Published: Friday 22 May, 2009
EVOLUTION & DEVOLUTION by Prash Trivedi Topic: Jyotish
Looking at Dharma and the nine births
Published: Friday 22 May, 2009
Astrology - Questions & Answers with Prash Trivedi by Prash Trivedi Topic: Jyotish
Prash Trivedi is one of the world's foremost authorities on Jyotish. His ancestral background includes notable Sanskrit scholars, writers, astrologers and Ayurvedic practitioners. From a very young age he was surrounded by ancient vedic mythology & cosmology.
Published: Friday 22 May, 2009
A Brief Intro to Rahu - the North Node of the Moon by Prash Trivedi Topic: Jyotish
Rahu, the North Node, is assigned the rulership of the sign Aquarius by the sage Parashar, who is one of the prime contributors to the richness of Vedic astrology.
Published: Friday 22 May, 2009
Vedic references to food by Understanding Hinduism Topic: Diet
A list of Vedic references to food.
Published: Friday 22 May, 2009
There are three kinds of food that a man can eat. by Understanding Hinduism Topic: Diet
(Sattwic, Rajasic and Tamasic). All foods have different properties. Different foods exercise different effects on different compartments of the brain or the mind. A confection of sparrow, meat, fish, eggs, onion and garlic excites passion. Fruits, barley, etc. render the mind calm and serene. The n...
Published: Friday 22 May, 2009
The poisons in your food by Understanding Hinduism Topic: Diet
A look at some of the poisonous ingredients found in common foods.
Published: Friday 22 May, 2009
The Hunza health secrets by Understanding Hinduism Topic: Diet
How the body is affected by the quality of food ingested? The most amazing and remarkable health and vitality of the Himalayan people of Hunza
Published: Friday 22 May, 2009
Quality and Quantity - Practical Classification of Diet by Understanding Hinduism Topic: Diet
1.The Building Diet 2.The Mature Diet - The diet of maintenance – adulthood 3 The Curative Diet-The diet of elimination
Published: Friday 22 May, 2009
Pernicious Anemia & Vitamin B-12 by Understanding Hinduism Topic: Diet
It has long been known that fasting results in a rapid blood regeneration in anemia.
Published: Thursday 21 May, 2009
Oxidation by Understanding Hinduism Topic: Diet
Foods have been defined as oxidizable substances. Oxidation is the union of oxygen with another element. Oxidation may take place slowly or rapidly. Rapid oxidation is the process known as burning. Oxidation of foods takes place more rapidly at a high temperature, as in cooking, and more slowly at l...
Published: Thursday 21 May, 2009
Nutrition and physical degeneration by Understanding Hinduism Topic: Diet
It has long been known that primitive people, prior to their contacts with civilisation, had excellent teeth. It also has been established that teeth are a valuable indicator of general physical condition: excellent teeth and excellent general physique go hand in hand. Unfortunately, the converse of...
Published: Thursday 21 May, 2009
Nutrition by Understanding Hinduism Topic: Diet
What constitutes nutrition? Certainly the common thought that food and nutrition are the same thing is a fallacy that needs to be discarded. It is one thing to eat an abundance of good food, it is quite another thing to have good nutrition. Food is one of the materials with which the processes of nu...
Published: Thursday 21 May, 2009
Natural Food Cures Psoriasis by Understanding Hinduism Topic: Diet
"For 28 years I suffered with a skin affliction known as psoriasis. My entire body, from the top of my head to the soles of my feet, was covered with large blotches, which were covered with scale like formation. I consulted many doctors, and in this way spent much money, but my condition grew steadi...
Published: Thursday 21 May, 2009
MARGARINE-THE GRAND DECEPTION by Understanding Hinduism Topic: Diet
Margarine, in addition to its hydrogenation, has other objectionable features that make it an artificial product. An artificial butter like flavour and odour are achieved with Diacetyl. To ensure enjoyment of these these qualities, isopropyl or stearyl citrates are added.These additives are euphemis...
Published: Thursday 21 May, 2009
GM Vaccines Recombine into Unpredictable Hybrid by Jeffrey M. Smith Topic: Diet
Genetically engineered pox viruses in cell cultures recombined with natural viruses to create new viruses with unpredictable and potentially dangerous characteristics.
Published: Thursday 21 May, 2009
GM Food Promoter Transfers to Rat Cells by Jeffrey M. Smith Topic: Diet
The cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) promoter was found intact in rat tissues after a single meal, and was also confirmed to be active in human cells.
Published: Thursday 21 May, 2009
Genetically Modified Foods are Inherently Unsafe by Jeffrey M. Smith Topic: Diet
The assumptions and truths of Genetic Engineering
Published: Thursday 21 May, 2009
Genetically Engineered Foods Pose Higher Risk for Children Topic: Diet
Children's bodies develop at a fast pace and are more likely to be influenced and show the effects of genetically modified (GM) foods. That is why independent scientists used young adolescent rats in their GM feeding studies. The rats showed significant health damage after only 10 days, including da...
Published: Thursday 21 May, 2009
Food combining for health by Understanding Hinduism Topic: Diet
The food that we normally eat can slowly kill us or heal us. How? The devastating effects of improper food combinations (different categories of foods eaten at the same meal) can ruin your health and vitality.Many diseases that will catch up with us in the future can be kept away by understanding...
Published: Thursday 21 May, 2009
Faulty food disease by Understanding Hinduism Topic: Diet
What happens to healthy men when they are fed on a diet consisting of bread and butter, meat and mashed potatoes, eggs and milk, salt and vinegar, tea and coffee, sugar and condensed milk?
Published: Thursday 21 May, 2009
Eating of flesh – Merits and Demerits by Understanding Hinduism Topic: Diet
Yudhishthira said: Alas, those cruel men, who, discarding diverse kinds of food, covet only flesh, are really like great Rakshasas (demons)! Alas, they do not relish diverse kinds of cakes and diverse sorts of potherbs and various species of Khanda with juicy flavour so much as they do flesh! My und...
Published: Thursday 21 May, 2009
Canned Foods- Processed Foods by Understanding Hinduism Topic: Diet
Space elements in foods convert to energy while the Time elements in foods convert to substance. Sodium is the most Time of the elements used in nutrition, while Potassium is the most Space of the elements used in nutrition.
Published: Thursday 21 May, 2009
Ayurveda and food by Dr. Robert Svoboda Topic: Diet
Although meat is mandated in Ayurveda for debilitated patients, for warriors (Kshatriyas) and for those who overexert themselves, it is very heavy for digestion, putrefies faster than other foods and produces Ama (internal toxins) quickly. Unless you exercise strenuously, regular meat eating will in...
Published: Thursday 21 May, 2009
10 DAY - Ayurvedic Balancing & Detoxing Fast Topic: Diet
If Panchakarma is not possible, fasting can be a highly effective alternative. It balances the doshas, rectifies agni (digestive fire), clears shrotas (channels) and strengthens all dhatus (tissues). It removes aam (toxic accumulations) from body, mind and emotions, and helps to reduce excess weight...
Published: Thursday 21 May, 2009
Your Ayurvedic Constitution by Dr. Robert Svoboda Topic: Ayurveda
Discover your Ayurvedic Constitution
Published: Monday 11 May, 2009
Why Garlic is not good for your for Spiritual health by Dr. Vaidya Mishra Topic: Ayurveda
Garlic certainly has many health related benefits, but it is not good for Spiritual health, and here is why.
Published: Monday 11 May, 2009
The Herb called Shatavari: A Gift for Women by Dr. Sarita Shrestha Topic: Ayurveda
In recent years shatavari has become a popular herb world-wide. Women in the West have been using it ever since studies showed that it contains phyto-estrogens, the precursors of estrogen. This finding made it popular all over the world.
Published: Monday 11 May, 2009
The Five Elements by Dr. Sachin Dua Topic: Ayurveda
Ayurveda states that everything in this universe, including the human body is composed of five basic elements.
Published: Monday 11 May, 2009
The basics of staying healthy with Ayurveda by Dr. Sachin Dua Topic: Ayurveda
From a correct and disciplined daily regime to the correct personal diet, here are a few tips on getting and staying healthy according to ayurvedic principles.
Published: Monday 11 May, 2009
Saturn: Deliverance from Life's Lessons by Vaughn Paul Manley Topic: Ayurveda
It’s no secret that in the celestial pantheon Saturn is the dreaded Lord of Karma – deliverer of life’s hardest lessons. The title is not without justification
Published: Monday 11 May, 2009
Rasayana by Dr. Robert Svoboda Topic: Ayurveda
Rasayana (literally, "the Path of Juice"), involves replenishing both the quality and the quantity of the body's fluids.
Published: Monday 11 May, 2009
Protocol for Autism based on Ayurvedic Healing by Vedic Society Topic: Ayurveda
Autism is the end result of systematic toxins such as Mercury in the body causing this tridoshic disease which is especially a gross imbalance of vata and particularly prana vata which is the vata seated in the mind controlling all mental functions such as speech, concentration, memory, learning and...
Published: Monday 11 May, 2009
PRAKRIT™ - Sutra to Science by Dr. Vaidya Mishra Topic: Ayurveda
Ayurveda speaks a great deal about establishing one’s innate constitution, known in Ayurveda as Prakriti. Prakriti means “nature.” Nature has created each person as a unique expression of Cosmic Consciousness. No two people are exactly alike. Prakriti, therefore, reveals a pers...
Published: Monday 11 May, 2009
Postpartum Energy by Dr. Jessie Mercay Topic: Ayurveda
Regaining Engery After Child Birth
Published: Monday 11 May, 2009
Perinatal Nutrition and Ayurveda by Dr. Jessie Mercay Topic: Ayurveda
Childbearing is a celebration of Love and uncovers for us Ma Nature's many ways to expand it! She of course does most of the work. Students of Ayurveda must remember that she offers her often simple guidance in cross cultural terms. Parents experience many turning points in the childbearing year ...
Published: Monday 11 May, 2009
Obesity-Losing weight by Dr. Robert Svoboda Topic: Ayurveda
If you are overweight and suffer from all or most of the following symptoms, you urgently need to reduce your poundage (under professional competent guidance): Pendulous belly, breasts and buttocks; Puffing and panting for breath even on mild exertion; Profuse perspiration even when it is not hot...
Published: Monday 11 May, 2009
In-sync transitions with Shudh Ayurved by Dr. Vaidya Mishra Topic: Ayurveda
In Vaidya Mishra’s Shaka Vansya tradition of shudh or pure Ayurved, the first important step we can take towards healing ourselves consists in re-aligning our physiologies with the rhythms of the universe.
Published: Monday 11 May, 2009
Cultivating Prana by Dr. Robert Svoboda Topic: Ayurveda
Life requires of each of us a judicious stride, a step that causes every particle of our being to reverberate with rapport. Some of us find our stride without much effort; a few of us are even born ready to canter. But lots of us stumble along from day to day like we had two left feet, trying in vai...
Published: Monday 11 May, 2009
Beware of the Nightshades by Dr. Vaidya Mishra Topic: Ayurveda
In my earlier article I presented a strong case against Garlic. I consistently restrict people from Onion, Garlic, Soy and Nightshades. Many of you have argued (especially those new to Shudh Ayurved) What else can one eat if we stop eating all of the aforementioned foods? No worries, there are foods...
Published: Monday 11 May, 2009
Ayurvedic Care After Childbirth by Dr. Jessie Mercay Topic: Ayurveda
Choices the first 42 days to 3 months after childbirth influence a mother's health and ability to mother and partner well for the next 42 years, according to Ayurvedic Medicine. Avoid the all too common colic, depression, lactation, digestive and elimination problems after childbirth. Ayurveda and...
Published: Monday 11 May, 2009
Ayurveda: An Alternative or Compementary Medicine? by Dr. Robert Svoboda Topic: Ayurveda
Understanding the position of Ayurveda in the contemporary health system.
Published: Monday 11 May, 2009
Ayurveda Under Cultivation by Dr. Robert Svoboda Topic: Ayurveda
An aranyaka is an ancient Vedic text that was composed in, and meant to be studied in, a forest. Though the texts of classical Ayurveda were written with urbanites in mind, they are verily aranyakas in spirit, for they carry to city dwellers an urgent "back to Nature" message. To better access that ...
Published: Monday 11 May, 2009
Ayurveda Rejuvenation Therapy - Rasayanas by Dr. Sachin Dua Topic: Ayurveda
Rasayana or rejuvenation therapy helps to promote and preserve health and longevity in the healthy, and to cure disease in the sick. The therapy enhances one's energy and is even known to have cured the sick.
Published: Monday 11 May, 2009
An Ayurvedic Perspective on Women’s Health by Dr. Sarita Shrestha Topic: Ayurveda
In Ayurveda, the woman is considered to be “Shakti”; the Mother and Source of creation, in whose lap all of civilization is cradled. When we speak about “women’s health” we understand that this encompasses many different issues during the different stages of her life.
Published: Monday 11 May, 2009
Vetiver: I Am the Fragrance of the Soil by David Crow Topic: Aromatherapy
Every plant absorbs the prana (life force) and ojas (nutritive essence) of the soil into its body, transforming them into foods, medicines, and oils for the benefit of other beings. Yet none capture the subtle complexities of the earth’s mysterious fragrances as completely as vetiver grass, kn...
Published: Monday 11 May, 2009
Vanilla: The Seed of Happiness by David Crow Topic: Aromatherapy
There is something slightly erotic about this bean, and I suspect that its sensuous skin, tantalizing aroma, and succulent flavor are affecting the neurochemistry of my perception. It is, after all, a seed pod, a reproductive organ of a jungle orchid, whose name is derived from the Spanish translati...
Published: Monday 11 May, 2009
The Cymbopogons by David Crow Topic: Aromatherapy
The cymbopogons are a genus of aromatic grasses which grow in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. Many people have met the refreshing and therapeutic flavors and fragrances of these grasses without knowing what they are or the many benefits they provide. When you enjoy the delicious t...
Published: Friday 08 May, 2009
The Anti-Microbial Effects of Essential Oils by David Crow Topic: Aromatherapy
The anti-microbial actions of essential oils are one of the most extensively studied aspects of botanical medicine. Research into the antiseptic properties of essential oils has been going on since the 1880’s, starting with oils such as oregano, cinnamon, and clove. By the 1930’s a consi...
Published: Friday 08 May, 2009
Rose by David Crow Topic: Aromatherapy
The next time you stop to smell a rose, imagine that its deep, rich floral fragrance is a gift from nature to your heart and soul. In her generosity, the earth has blessed us with over five thousand varieties of this beautiful flower. However, only a few give the world-renowned treasure sought by p...
Published: Friday 08 May, 2009
Neroli: Sweet Sunlight by David Crow Topic: Aromatherapy
Neroli is a fragrance that has been known and loved for centuries throughout the Mediterranean region. Generation after generation of skilled distillers have slowly extracted the oil from the tender flowers, creating one of the world’s finest and most sought after perfumes. Every spring, the d...
Published: Friday 08 May, 2009
Lavender by David Crow Topic: Aromatherapy
Lavender is one of the most well-known, versatile, and extensively used essential oils in the world. When we use this essential oil we receive the blessings of the feminine, because lavender could be described as an angel of healing from the floral realm, and an expression of the earth’s compa...
Published: Friday 08 May, 2009
Jasmine by David Crow Topic: Aromatherapy
Like scented stars appearing in the evening dusk, the night-blooming jasmine silently opens her five-petalled blossoms beneath our windows. In the dawn her sister will bloom, again filling the breeze with enchantment. Together, the jasmine sambac (night-blooming) and the jasmine grandiflorum (dawn-b...
Published: Friday 08 May, 2009
Helichrysum and Chamomile: The Beneficent Power of Common Plants by David Crow Topic: Aromatherapy
In its intelligence and compassion, the earth provides a multitude of solutions to the pain and suffering that are part of life. Helichrysum and chamomile are two botanical emissaries that bring us this compassion in the form of fragrant essences. Offering their aromatic oils, they ease the pain of ...
Published: Friday 08 May, 2009
Frankincense and Myrrh: The Botany, Culture, and Therapeutic Use by David Crow Topic: Aromatherapy
Frankincense and myrrh are without a doubt the world’s two most important resins. Although other resins, such as pine, copal, styrax, and dragon blood have played important roles in ethnobotanical medicine, none have been as widely distributed and universally utilized, as economically importan...
Published: Friday 08 May, 2009
Frankincense by David Crow Topic: Aromatherapy
Frankincense is highly valued for its medicinal powers. Oleoresins are a part of a tree’s immune system, secreted to protect it from herbivores, insects, and fungal pathogens. Resins also speed the healing of wounds to the tree, which is why the sap flows when the bark is cut. In a similar way...
Published: Friday 08 May, 2009
Fragrance and Consciousness by David Crow Topic: Aromatherapy
This paper presents a brief overview of current research into the effects of fragrance on consciousness. It specifically examines the benefits of using essential oils for treating neurological degeneration and chemo-sensory disorders, enhancing concentration, memory, and learning, assisting relaxati...
Published: Friday 08 May, 2009
Fragrance by David Crow Topic: Aromatherapy
There are deep and mysterious relationships among the soil, water, sunlight, and air, and the bodies of plants that absorb and transform these elements. There are wondrous alchemies in the transmutation of these elements by plants into foods, medicines, and fragrances.
Published: Friday 08 May, 2009
Community Immunity: Using Diffusers for the Anti-Microbial and I by David Crow Topic: Aromatherapy
Essential oil-containing aromatic plants have been used for anti-infectious purposes for millennia. The unpleasant odors of sewage, rotting garbage, sick people, and environmental pollution reveal the presence of proliferating microbial toxins. Without knowing the details of what pathogenic agents w...
Published: Friday 08 May, 2009
Clary Sage: Peaceful Rejuvenation by David Crow Topic: Aromatherapy
From the quiet of the high mountains and Mediterranean hillsides comes a plant with beautiful lavender-pink flowers resembling heart-shaped swans, offering its aromatic oil as an antidote to the suffering of agitated fatigue. Clary sage (Salvia sclarea) received its Latin name from the word clarus, ...
Published: Friday 08 May, 2009
Bakul, Champa, and Parijata: Sacred Flowering Trees of India by David Crow Topic: Aromatherapy
Bakul (Mimusops elengi), champa (Michelia champaka), and parijata (Nychanthes arbotristis) are among the most beautiful and sacred of India’s many exotic flowering trees. Countless souls throughout the ages have lived in the gentle presence of these beneficent beings that give their barks, lea...
Published: Friday 08 May, 2009
Vaidya Mishra Prana as Medicine Course - March 2009 Topic: Ayurveda
Published: Friday 08 May, 2009
The Seven Dhatus and Ojas Topic: Ayurveda
Ayurveda categories herbs according to the Dhatus or tissues upon which they work. It also contains a knowledge of special herbs and substances (minerals and metals) that work on the subtler tissues, including the nerve and reproductive tissues.
Published: Friday 08 May, 2009
The Ayurvedic Effects of Asana Practice by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Ayurveda
According to the philosophy of Yoga, the physical body is a manifestation of consciousness. It is a crystallization of karmic (behavioral) patterns created by the mind. The key to working with the body, therefore, is to understand the consciousness behind it, much of which lies outside our ordinary ...
Published: Friday 08 May, 2009
The Ancient Indian Art of Ayurvedic Pulse Technique Topic: Ayurveda
The pulse is an important tool for understanding the mind body of an individual as the pulse changes with age, sex, constitution, time of day, season, activity, meals, and the state of mind of the individual. In modern science, the pulse is called the mirror or index of the heart, whereas Ayurvedic ...
Published: Friday 08 May, 2009
Staying Healthy with the knowledge of Ayurveda in Summer by Vedic Society Topic: Ayurveda
Staying Healthy with the knowledge of Ayurveda in Summer
Published: Friday 08 May, 2009
Shankapushpi – The Ayurvedic flower tonic of Auroville by Vedic Society Topic: Ayurveda
Published: Friday 08 May, 2009
Secrets of the Five Pranas by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Ayurveda
To change something we must alter the energy which creates it. This fact is true in the practice of Yoga. To bring about positive changes in body and mind we must understand the energy through which they work. This is called Prana in Sanskrit, meaning primary energy. It is sometimes translated as br...
Published: Friday 08 May, 2009
Saving your Mind – A Guide to Cell Phone Safety by Vedic Society Topic: Ayurveda
Over the past years a number of independent studies have shown the health hazards of cell phone usage, especially long term usage.
Published: Friday 08 May, 2009
Regulated sex as a supporting pillar of life Topic: Ayurveda
Our life expectancy and health depend on three pillars. Charaka Samhita, the cient authoritative text of Ayurveda has given due importance to them. Proper care of these is essential to support life and health. Charaka has equated human body with a building. For making any building stable, role of pi...
Published: Friday 08 May, 2009
Out of the Mercury (Frying Pan) Into the Floride (Fire!) by Vedic Society Topic: Ayurveda
Choosing a safe dental restorative substance.
Published: Friday 08 May, 2009
How To Eat Topic: Ayurveda
How to eat for health, vitality and longevity. A guide to the foods to avoid and enjoy along with a general guideline on how to eat.
Published: Friday 08 May, 2009
Guidelines For Determining Your Constitution Topic: Ayurveda
A guide to discover your Ayurvedic constitution
Published: Friday 08 May, 2009
Elements of a healthy person Topic: Ayurveda
The main objective of Ayurveda is to maintain a disease free state. Ayurveda shows us two approaches how to obtain this state – by maintaining the status of a healthy person, and by managing the unhealthy (diseased) condition of an ailing person. If, regardless of the cause, a person falls ill...
Published: Friday 08 May, 2009
Ayurvedic herbs Topic: Ayurveda
Ayurveda has focused on the various aspects of herbs and their practice in our day-to-day life. Specific emphasis is given on the preparation and storage of herbs followed since ancient time. Each Indian herb has a distinct quality and each of them is used for different purposes. There are mainly th...
Published: Friday 08 May, 2009
Ayurvedic Diet for Pregnancy by Vedic Society Topic: Ayurveda
Ayurveda puts special emphasis on the diet of the mother during pregnancy. It’s ancient sages specified certain foods to be emphasized during various months of pregnancy. This will help nourish a healthy and intelligent child.
Published: Friday 08 May, 2009
Ayurvedic Astrology by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Ayurveda
All great ancient civilizations centered their cultures on profound systems of astrology, connecting conditions and events on the Earth with cosmic influences deriving from the stars. Whether it is India or China, Egypt or Babylonia, or the Mayas and Incans of America, we find in each case an astrol...
Published: Friday 08 May, 2009
Ayurveda and the Mind: An Overview by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Ayurveda
Ayurveda is inherently a psychological as much as it is a physical system of medicine. Its scope of practice includes both physical (sharirika) and mental (manasika) diseases. Therefore, we cannot really understand Ayurveda without looking at its view of the mind and consciousness.
Published: Friday 08 May, 2009
Ayurveda - Food and Diet by Chakrapani Ayurveda Clinic & Res Topic: Ayurveda
Ahaar (Diet) has its own importance for good health. No one can expect to maintain his health in an excellent state unless he adopts the scientific way of intake of suitable and nutritious food. In a way diet in itself can serve the purpose of medicine. If we know properly the science of nutrition a...
Published: Thursday 07 May, 2009
Agni Ayurveda by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Ayurveda
The role of fire is well known in traditional systems of medicine, which use the great elements of nature for healing purposes. However, one system in particular is built around a profound understanding of our biological fires. This is ‘Ayurveda’, the traditional natural healing system o...
Published: Thursday 07 May, 2009
A Guide to Stopping the Diabetes Tide in India and the World by Vedic Society Topic: Ayurveda
There’s a rising trend of Diabetes in India that is taking the country completely by storm. As I travel around the country almost everyone I meet in the 40+ age group or someone they know, a relative or close friend has some form of Diabetes. If I look at the modern Indian diet, there are a f...
Published: Thursday 07 May, 2009
A Brief Introduction to Ayurveda Topic: Ayurveda
Ayurveda is considered by many scholars to be the oldest healing science. In Sanskrit, Ayurveda means “The Science of Life.” Ayurvedic knowledge originated in India more than 5,000 years ago and is often called the “Mother of All Healing.”
Published: Thursday 07 May, 2009
10 DAY - Ayurvedic Balancing & Detoxing Fast Topic: Ayurveda
If Panchakarma is not possible, fasting can be a highly effective alternative. It balances the doshas, rectifies agni (digestive fire), clears shrotas (channels) and strengthens all dhatus (tissues). It removes aam (toxic accumulations) from body, mind and emotions, and helps to reduce excess weight...
Published: Thursday 07 May, 2009
An Ethical Diet for Peace and Plenty Topic: Ayurveda
In india, the land of ahimsa, or nonviolence, people have traditionally been vegetarian. Hailing from a family of staunch vegetarians, i consider myself fortunate to be living in harmony with the principles of nature. as a Jain follower, i strongly advocate a vegetarian diet, which I find superi...
Published: Tuesday 14 April, 2009
Ayurveda - Menopause Topic: Ayurveda
Published: Friday 27 March, 2009
US President Barrack Hussain Obama and the Planets Topic: Jyotish
Published: Tuesday 27 January, 2009
Is the cardiac problem predictable Topic: Jyotish
Published: Wednesday 21 January, 2009
Maths with smile by RP Jain Topic: Miscellaneous Articles
Published: Thursday 17 March, 2005
Cosmic Rendezvous by RP Jain Topic: Ayurveda
To bring the ancient Wisdom of Bharat into the modern age, a penetrating research and enquiry into the philosophical, scientific, spiritual and cultural heritage of India is an absolute necessity. Without such an extensive examination, deeper insights are virtually impossible and this great heritage...
Published: Tuesday 22 February, 2005
Sthapatya Veda - Design That Heals by Vedic Society Topic: Vaastu
Vaastu Shastra is one of the missing links for creating harmonious life on earth as we know it today. It is the ancient Vedic science of space and form and how to create consciously a space that creates harmony within and without. When we look around at modern cities and houses, we see that although...
Published: Thursday 03 February, 2005
Ayurvedic Dentistry by Vedic Society Topic: Ayurveda
One of the topics I came to research was the subject of dentistry which I felt had been much neglected in the field of Ayurveda. I was confident that treatments were present but this seemed to be nearly forgotten in practical application. I was inspired upon this road by doing a study earlier last y...
Published: Thursday 03 February, 2005
Marma - The Magic of Touch by Vedic Society Topic: Ayurveda
Marma is one of the lesser known methods used in Ayurveda, Sushruta refers to it in some detail as well as other texts, but in truth it is a traditional knowledge that needs to be handed down from guru to disciple, from heart to heart. The basis is the use of various points on the body which are all...
Published: Thursday 03 February, 2005
Ayurveda - Nature's Health Secrets by Vedic Society Topic: Ayurveda
In 1999 I began to personally study Ayurveda with a brilliant teacher and friend who had been introduced to this science many years before, in India, under the guidance of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi who has done wonders to bring the best of Ayurveda to the West since the 1980's. As I dived deeper and dis...
Published: Thursday 03 February, 2005
An Introduction to Vedic Architecture Topic: Vaastu
An Introduction to Vedic Architecture
Published: Sunday 04 July, 2004
A Vedic Key to the Zodiac by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Jyotish
Published: Tuesday 04 May, 2004
Ayurveda, the World’s Medicine for the Next Millennium by Dr. David Frawley Topic: Ayurveda
In 1989 I was attending a conference on Yoga and medicine in Mumbai.There were a number of Indian medical doctors on the panel but, strangely as a Westerner, I was the only Ayurvedic speaker. After my talk promoting Ayurveda, someone in the audience remarked, "We in India believe in something only o...
Published: Tuesday 04 May, 2004
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01.Ayurveda and Life Impressions Bodywork
02.Kriya Yoga Rahasya
03.Oral Instruction Tantra: From the Four Tantras of Tibetan Medicine
04.Prasthanatraya (Six Volumes)
05.Human Physiology - Expression of Veda and the Vedic Literature
06.Building Architecture of Sthapatya Veda
07.Caraka Samhita (7 vols): Text in Sanskrit with English translation
08.Astanga Hrdayam - 3 Volumes
09.Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha
10.A Systematic Course in the Ancient Tantric Techniques of Yoga and Kriya
11.The One Straw Revolution: An Introduction to Natural Farming
12.Introduction to Sanskrit (Volume I and Volume II)
Your Health and Your Stars
Religion Philosophy Yoga
Handbook of Healing (Set of 2 books)
Astanga Hrdayam - 3 Volumes
Sri Tantralokah: Text with English Translation Chapter Two, Three, Four
Indian Pharmacopoeia 2010 (3 Vols)
Ancient India in a New Light
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